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Maximize your Mac's potential by running Windows and Windows applications on a virtual machine. Access over 200,000 apps to work, study and play effortlessly. Authorized by Microsoft.
With Parallels Desktop, you can effortlessly set up your system - there's no need to source a Windows image or grapple with installation and configuration. It's simplicity at its finest.
Use your Mac camera, microphone, trackpad, sound, display, keyboard, and mouse with Windows. Enable USB Windows-only devices like printers and scanners, plus connect your Android phone and many other devices.
Effortlessly move and share content between Mac and Windows with seamless integration.
Use Windows apps side by side with Mac apps and with the Windows desktop.
Easily accessible your Mac files in Windows to avoid duplicates and optimize disk space usage.
Polishes and intuitive user experience.
Improved optimization and performance.
Subscriptions include Parallels Toolbox and 24x7 support.
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